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Importance Of Soil Testing Before Construction

Evaluation and planning are the first two steps that are conducted before starting any construction project. Soil testing, also known as a geotechnical investigation, is one of the most important things that engineers do to determine the soil properties at the site of construction. Soil testing ensures that the construction made is not vulnerable to damages or disasters in the future. Each construction project has a different kind of soil requirements and swimming pool construction projects are no exception.  Before the construction of a swimming pool, proper soil testing for pools needs to be conducted for future safety.

What does soil testing typically involve?

Once a soil testing agency is hired they will send a team of highly experienced professionals. The client needs to give them access to their backyard. The soil tester will drill two bores inside the ground and collect the soil samples. Then the team will work on the soil samples for the next 2 to 3 days and compile the report for the engineering department.

Through this test, the composition of the soil including the organics, salt, fill, clay, gravel, sand & silt is determined. If there are any imported fills in the soil, the team will send the report to the engineering department which will provide solutions and methods to construct the pools on that site. In certain circumstances, the construction team might dig the area deeper and fill it with stabilized rock for a stronger base which can prevent the pool from getting damaged in the future.

Benefits of hiring a soil testing team

Soil testing for pools should be done by renowned agencies that have experience in this field. Here’s why:

  • Firstly, the agency has years of experience in this field. The more experience the better will be the outcomes. Experienced teams understand the faulty areas quickly and instantly find solutions to deal with the soil issue. It should be noted not all soil conditions are suitable for pool construction. If an area has too many imported fills, they need to be removed and an artificial base with rocks needs to be created to protect the pool shell. Only an experienced professional knows the right tactics.
  • Secondly, the testing team collaborates with the engineering team to give the customer a concrete solution. Agencies which have specialized in pool construction not only conduct soil testing but also handle the entire project from scratch. By hiring a pool construction agency you can remain at peace as every step will be conducted by a team which has specialized in that field.
  • Thirdly the agency might help get permits from the local authorities before starting the construction project.
  • Lastly, the team conducts a variety of soil testing including moisture testing, gravity testing, compaction testing, thermal conductivity testing and many more.


Soil testing for pools or geotechnical investigation is the most important step that needs to be conducted to make a swimming pool construction project successful. Every individual who is planning to set up a beautiful swimming pool in his/her backyard should consult with a soil testing team and make the swimming pool safe for future use.

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